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Search Results for: covid 19

February 9, 2021/Nursing/Clinical Nursing

Pandemic Fast-Tracks Innovations

At the start of 2020, nurses were using an average of 66 pieces of personal protective equipment (PPE) each day when entering COVID-19 patient isolation rooms in the intensive care units. Soon into the …

June 8, 2022/COVID-19

Sleep Disturbances Are Highly Prevalent Among People With Long COVID

Moderate to severe sleep disturbances are highly prevalent among patients with post-acute sequelae of COVID-19 (PASC), or “long COVID.” So finds a Cleveland Clinic retrospective analysis presented at the American Academy of Sleep …

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March 2, 2021/COVID-19

Reasons for Delayed Care Extend Beyond the Pandemic and Financial Concerns

… our COVID-19 patients, non-COVID-19 medical patients and surgical patients. As the amount of COVID-19 in our communities trends down from its recent peak, the number of patients hospitalized with COVID-19


Even Brief Delays in Intravitreal Injection Can Cause Vision Loss

… explored treatment burden in this population and the consequences of delayed care, the shutdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic presented a unique research opportunity.“During the pandemic, we faced an unprecedented situation in which …


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Virtual Visits for Arrhythmia Patients: Looking Back to Look Forward

… patient and physician experience with virtual visits in cardiac electrophysiology, yet it was completed soon before the COVID-19 pandemic shifted virtually every medical specialty to embrace telemedicine at a speed and scale previously unimagined …

August 21, 2020/COVID-19

Unique Academic-Practice Partnership

From Joan Kavanagh, PhD, MSN, RN, NEA-BC, Associate Chief Nursing Officer, Nursing Education and Professional DevelopmentThroughout the early days of the COVID-19 crisis, healthcare professionals across the globe were uniting in an ‘all …

ECMO machine

Nurses Provide Colleagues with ECMO Training During Surge

For patients with COVID-19 in acute respiratory distress, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) can provide lifesaving support. However, use and management of ECMO machines requires highly trained staff, and ECMO specialists have been in high …

March 25, 2020/COVID-19

How to Work From Home and Still Be Productive

Things are moving and changing quickly with the news of COVID-19. As healthcare institutions grapple with changing guidelines and social distancing, such as the American College of Surgeons’ recommendation that elective surgeries be postponed …

March 17, 2020/Bioethics/News & Insight

Ethical Standards in a Pandemic

… concise summary to help frame some of the ethical considerations at the forefront of this stage of COVID-19 management. Harder questions may come, and we are preparing to help with those as well.The …

20-GEE-1841255 CQD- Dr. Barmal Spotlight
May 21, 2020/COVID-19

Community Partnerships: An Emerging Force in Population Health

It’s a seismic shift for a world-class quaternary medical center to become a champion of population and community health. Yet Cleveland Clinic has joined others in recognizing the importance of community health — given …

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