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Search Results for: covid 19

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Beyond the Virtual Visit: New Frontiers in At-Home Patient Management

… as detailed in studies recapped here. While their adoption of teleneurology has been further accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, perhaps more remarkable are some distinctive additional forays into at-home patient management pioneered out …

clinical nursing during the pandemic
January 24, 2022/Nursing/Clinical Nursing

How Nurses Adapted During a Unique Moment in Time

… come-by commodity: information about the virus itself. So much was unknown at that time.Understanding of COVID-19 has vastly improved since then, but the pandemic continues to challenge nurses and other caregivers in …

Nursing readiness
December 15, 2021/Leadership

A Future State of Readiness

… with hope and promise. We have more knowledge and understanding of what we are up against with COVID-19. We have better defense thanks to the vaccines. We also have the gift of experience. We …


New Outreach Tool Aids Intervention for Older Adults

… of the American Geriatrics Society. Researchers created the tool amidst shelter-in-place orders early in the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020.“We know from the medical literature that older adults are disproportionately affected by …


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Polishing the Gold Standard: Reporting Multiplicity in Randomized Clinical Trials

… to diagnose and treat patients. But retractions in two of the most storied medical journals during the COVID-19 pandemic have shined a spotlight on the trust the healthcare community places in a fragile process …

Heart Meds in Pregnancy: Sorting Out the Knowns and Unknowns

Hydroxychloroquine May Reduce Risk of Congenital Heart Block

… Hydroxychloroquine (PATCH) trial suggests that hydroxychloroquine — a drug much talked-about recently in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic — may be of benefit for secondary prevention.“This is a promising study regarding secondary prevention …

Brian Donley, MD

It’s Not About You (Podcast)

… Cleveland Clinic London, leads the team that is opening the 184-bed hospital behind Buckingham Palace. While COVID-19 has thrown new challenges into the mix, the hospital has stayed on track for its planned …

Female athlete training her legs in gym while wearing protective face mask

Wearing a Surgical Mask Does Not Impair Exercise Capacity

Wearing a surgical mask while exercising might feel uncomfortable, but it doesn’t interfere with exercise capacity or present additional safety concerns, according to research from Cleveland Clinic.Results from two studies conducted by Cleveland …

December 9, 2021/Pediatrics

Comprehensive Program for Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome Puts Families on the Road to Recovery

According to the latest report from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 100,300 drug-overdose deaths occurred in the United States from May 2020 to April 2021, a 28.5% increase …

Volunteers helping nursing units

Innovative Programs Let Non-Clinical Employees Help Stem Workforce Challenges

In September of 2021, a team of Cleveland Clinic operations and nursing leaders devised a plan to allow employees from anywhere in the health system to volunteer to aid those who clean patient rooms, deliver …

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