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Tag: acute myeloid leukemia (AML)

19-CNR-5099 AI in AML 650×450-predict-survival-outcomes
May 4, 2020/Cancer/Research

New Computer Model Helps Predict Outcomes for Individual Acute Myeloid Leukemia Patients

Artificial intelligence applied to clinical and genomic data improves accuracy

January 15, 2020/Cancer/Research

New Clinic Tackles Mutations That Increase Risk of Blood Cancers and Heart Disease

CHIP Clinic's goals: Research, preventive care

December 8, 2019/Cancer/Research

Studies’ Results Support Liberalization of Some Eligibility Criteria for Acute Myeloid Leukemia Clinical Trials

Overly restrictive exclusions may lead to racial disparities and unrealistic outcomes


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October 8, 2019/Cancer

Drug Repurposing for the Treatment of Childhood Leukemia

The effect of mefloquine on acute leukemia cell lines

July 24, 2019/Cancer

Inherited Bone Marrow Failure Syndromes as Experiments of Nature for Blood Diseases

Emerging evidence regarding the genetic pathways involved in Scwachman-Diamond syndrome and Severe Congenital Neutropenia

March 25, 2019/Cancer/Blood Cancers

Azacitidine Shows Potential in Treating AML and MDS Relapse Following Stem Cell Transplantation

May offer much needed treatment option for patients who relapse early

August 16, 2018/Cancer

The Secrets to Balancing Cancer and Pregnancy Care

Collaborative, personalized approach optimizes patient outcomes

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