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Tag: alzheimer disease (AD)


Sildenafil Emerges as a Candidate Drug for Alzheimer’s Disease

69% relative risk reduction in large database analysis prompts plans for mechanistic and phase 2 studies


Study Suggests Mechanistic Overlap Between Alzheimer’s and COVID-19

Links are centered on neuroinflammation and microvascular injury, network medicine study finds

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May 27, 2021/Geriatrics

Clinical Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease Depends on Both Clinical and Biomarker Evidence

Both are essential, say updated International Working Group recommendations

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January 19, 2021/Geriatrics

CYCLE-AD Trial: High-Intensity Exercise to Stave Off Alzheimer’s Disease

New NIH-funded study tests home-based intervention in high-risk group


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December 9, 2020/Geriatrics

Emerging Blood-Based Biomarkers for Alzheimer Disease: A Status Report

A screening blood test would be a huge step toward earlier intervention

High-tech brain

AI-Based Cognitive Assessments Help Diagnose High-IQ Patient with Alzheimer Disease

Machine learning algorithm also screens for reversible causes of cognitive decline

September 18, 2020/Geriatrics

Getting Serious About Curbing Rural Disparities in Dementia Care and Research

NIA grant helps establish Nevada exploratory Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center


Studies of an Alpha-1 Adrenergic Agonist for Alzheimer’s Advance With New NIA Grant

$2 million will enable preclinical dose and efficacy testing of “compound 3”


Florida Caregivers Participate in Dementia ‘Reality’ Experience

Nurses get first-hand look into lives of dementia patients

September 6, 2018/Geriatrics/News & Insight

Urgent Need for Earlier Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Drives Development of New Practice Guidelines

Cleveland Clinic geriatrician weighs in on new AA recommendations

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