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Tag: alzheimer’s disease (AD)

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January 19, 2021/Geriatrics

CYCLE-AD Trial: High-Intensity Exercise to Stave Off Alzheimer’s Disease

New NIH-funded study tests home-based intervention in high-risk group

September 18, 2020/Geriatrics

Getting Serious About Curbing Rural Disparities in Dementia Care and Research

NIA grant helps establish Nevada exploratory Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center

August 13, 2020/Geriatrics

New Insights Into Inflammation-Related Pathways Predicting Cognitive Decline in Alzheimer’s

Longitudinal study implicates a specific pathway in mild cognitive impairment stage


Studies of an Alpha-1 Adrenergic Agonist for Alzheimer’s Advance With New NIA Grant

$2 million will enable preclinical dose and efficacy testing of “compound 3”


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Newly Launched Alzheimer’s Center Is First in the Nation Focused Solely on Women

Mission centers on screening, prevention for at-risk women in their 30s to 60s

July 10, 2019/Geriatrics

Cleveland Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center to Be Created With $4.23 Million NIA Grant

Local population, deep expertise portend a center with high impact


Funding Award Enables First Study to Examine Cognitive Effects of an Alpha-1 Agonist

Cleveland Clinic-developed “compound 3” begins testing in preclinical Alzheimer’s model

August 27, 2018/Geriatrics

Analysis of Alzheimer’s Drug Pipeline Reveals Slow Progress, a Few Bright Spots

Third annual report shows shift toward prevention studies, disease-modifying therapies

August 23, 2018/Geriatrics

A Giant of Alzheimer’s Research Surveys the State of His Field

Two career achievement awards prompt Dr. Jeffrey Cummings to look back — and ahead

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Reversal of Alzheimer’s in Mouse Model Boosts BACE1 Inhibitors’ Prospects in Humans

Most substantial reversal of amyloid deposition in an animal study to date

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