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Tag: community outreach

Volunteer cleanup at lake

Empowering Program Encourages Caregivers to Donate Time to Worthwhile Causes

Paid volunteer hours reward staff for engaging with community partners

Caregiver Mary Louise Tatum in barber shop

Therapist Tackles Mental Health Stigma by Training Barbers in Crisis Intervention

Program empowers Black stylists to provide emotional first aid

OPR_Aljeri_4134763_DEI Cohort Photos_8-17-23_LDJ

Building Connections Among Supplier Accelerator Alums

Small business owners expand their networks and gain new insights


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outreach to underserved communities
June 2, 2023/Cancer/News & Insight

Focus Groups Amplify the Voices of Black Congregants about Disparities in Clinical Trials

Long-term relationship building and engagement key to gaining community trust

Infant and Maternal Health

Cleveland Clinic Launches Center for Infant and Maternal Health

New program brings ‘all hands on deck’ to reduce infant mortality

Backpacks for homeless

ED Nurses Deliver Care Backpacks to Homeless People

Project leads to a community outreach group

January 15, 2021/COVID-19

Making Virtual Connections

Telehealth initiatives take off during pandemic

January 8, 2021/COVID-19

Care That Spans A World in Crisis

In a global healthcare system, nursing steps up to meet demands

January 4, 2021/Leadership

Becoming a Nurse Activist

Nurses can make an impact on important issues

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