Tag: frailty

photo of intubated elderly woman in hospital bed

Proteomic Study Characterizes Markers of Frailty in Cardiovascular Disease and Their Links to Outcomes

Findings support emphasis on markers of frailty related to, but not dependent on, age

March 7, 2022/Digestive/Research

Maximizing Prehabilitation’s Potential Before Pancreatic Surgery

Study shows challenges of implementing an impactful regimen

November 1, 2021/Pulmonary

Lung Transplantation and Metabolic Bone Disease

Advancing our knowledge of risk factors


Fasting Reduces Frailty and Extends Healthspan in Late-Life Preclinical Models

Research shows improvement in metabolic, muscular and cognitive fitness


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March 13, 2020/Geriatrics

Older Adults in the Cardiac ICU: New AHA Statement Offers Guidance

Insights from co-author of a unique document on a vulnerable patient population


Before Surgical Interventions: Considering Frailty in Older Adults

Individuals considered frail by medical criteria have higher risks of complications

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