Tag: medical-surgical nursing

October 10, 2023/Nursing/Clinical Nursing

The Role of Resilience in Nursing (Podcast)

International nurse shares the circuitous route to his dream job at Cleveland Clinic and advice for others to persevere

October 19, 2022/Leadership

Hospital Leaders Attempt to Bust the Myths That Have Led to a Shortage of Medical-Surgical Nurses

Marymount Hospital’s chief nurse highlights the opportunities provided by this often-overlooked specialty

medical-surgical wound cart

Creating an Efficient Tool to Facilitate Wound Care

Tiered supply cart saves time and reduces waste

February 24, 2021/Nursing/Clinical Nursing

Medical-Surgical Nurses Build Relationships While Providing 24/7 Care

The often overlooked specialty is the largest in nursing


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December 16, 2020/Nursing/Clinical Nursing

Caring for Patients who Deliberately Ingest Foreign Bodies

Balancing physical and psychological care


The Ins and Outs of I&Os

Simulation educates nurses on intake and output

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