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Tag: obesity

Stethoscope and heart on Bathroom Sacles

The Skinny on Patients’ Knowledge of How Weight Impacts Their Heart

Survey finds big knowledge deficits around body shape, healthy diet

Female patient being weighed

New Center Concentrates Efforts in Obesity Management

Enterprise Weight Management Center to improve access + patient experience


Probing the Mechanics of Adipocyte Metabolism to Outsmart Obesity

S6K1 pathway could be a promising therapeutic target

Obesity-SMA_650x450 (003)

Obesity: Are Shared Medical Appointments Part of the Answer?

A closer look at interventions for obesity, including SMAs


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July 17, 2018/Digestive/News

Meet W. Scott Butsch, MD, Bariatric and Metabolic Institute’s New Director of Obesity Medicine

A discussion of why it's time to start treating obesity differently

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Meet Bartolome Burguera, MD, PhD

A Q&A with the Director of Obesity Programs


Diabetes with Obesity—Is There an Ideal Diet?

Current trends favor the low-carbohydrate, low-glycemic index, Mediterranean, and very-low-calorie diets.

September 13, 2017/Digestive/CME

Don’t Miss: 12th Annual Obesity Summit

Two locations: Cleveland, Ohio, and Biloxi, Mississippi

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