Tag: patient-reported outcomes


Patient-Reported Outcomes Improved With Myectomy for Obstructive HCM

But improvements didn’t correlate closely with physician-assigned NYHA class, study finds

February 4, 2019/Neurosciences/Research

Patient-Reported Outcomes Across Stroke Types: More Commonalities Than Contrasts

Cohort study argues for uniformity in assessment and rehab


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April 22, 2018/Neurosciences/Research

High Prevalence of Insomnia and Sleep Apnea Found Among Patients with Diverse Neuro Diseases

Should sleep history be incorporated into routine neurological care?

18-NEU-810-Stroke-Rehab-Katzan-650×450 (003)
April 13, 2018/Geriatrics

Post-Stroke Health Impacts Merit New Emphases in Stroke Survivor Care

Executive function, social roles and physical function loom large in new study

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