Tag: pediatric urology

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October 22, 2019/Nursing/Research

Studying Effectiveness of Biofeedback for Children with Dysfunctional Voiding

The practice shows promise for girls age 7 to 12

August 6, 2018/Pediatrics

A Diagnostic Dilemma Solved in 12-Year-Old Girl with Renal Cancer

Combination imaging, genetic testing prove invaluable

February 28, 2017/Pediatrics

New Bedwetting Clinic Helps Kids Whose Problems Persist

Education, behavior change more successful than medication


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February 1, 2017/Pediatrics

Surgical Innovation: Fashioning a Vagina from Intestinal Segment

Neovagina created from a 12 cm sigmoid segment

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June 26, 2015/Pediatrics

First Robotic Pediatric Partial Nephrectomy at Cleveland Clinic

Case demonstrates safety in properly selected patient

November 17, 2014/Pediatrics

The Changing Paradigm of Management of Children with Vesicourteral Reflux

Individualized approach guides diagnostic study

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