Tag: subglottic stenosis

Paul Bryson
November 29, 2023/Ob/Gyn & Women’s Health

New Review Indicates Airway Stenosis Treatment During Pregnancy Is Safe and Effective

Endoscopic balloon dilation during pregnancy helps optimize outcomes

Lung and trachea
January 12, 2023/Pulmonary/Research

Treating Benign Subglottic and Tracheal Stenosis: Which Endoscopic Approach Has Better Outcomes?

First retrospective study compares balloon and rigid bronchoplasty

Maddern Procedure

Surgical Approach Preserves the Voice in Refractory Subglottic Stenosis

A new study indicates high patient satisfaction with the Maddern Procedure, but the technique can be technically challenging for surgeons


New Endoscopic Suturing Technique Trialed in 2 Patients Requiring Pediatric Airway Repair

Posterior endoscopic graft suturing may reduce costs and risks associated with postoperative intubation or tracheostomy placement in children


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