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Tag: total hip arthroplasty (THA)

May 13, 2021/Orthopaedics/Research

Can the NarxCare Score Predict Adverse Outcomes in Total Hip Arthroplasty?

Study findings quantify risk for the first time, and what this means for managing care

February 25, 2021/Orthopaedics/Research

AI and Arthroplasty: New Study Shows 99% Accuracy of Implant Identification

First-of-its-kind study validates AI approach to identify implants using X-rays

November 12, 2019/Orthopaedics/Hip & Knee

When Does Osteonecrosis of the Femoral Head Warrant Total Hip Replacement?

Orthopaedic surgeons share insight on a recent clinical case

October 2, 2019/Orthopaedics/Hip & Knee

A Look at Subsequent Knee and Hip Replacements: Who Is at Risk and When to Intervene?

Study follows patients for almost a decade after primary knee or hip arthroplasty


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March 13, 2019/Orthopaedics/Research

Preoperative Functional Status Impacts Outcomes of Total Hip Arthroplasty

Inability to perform activities of daily living is an independent risk factor for morbidity and mortality

October 23, 2017/Geriatrics

Co-Management of Geriatric Hip Fractures Using a Detailed Multidisciplinary Protocol

Improving outcomes and simultaneously decreasing costs

October 16, 2017/Orthopaedics/News & Insights

Aspirin Dose and Venous Thromboembolism Prevention after Total Hip and Knee Arthroplasty

Review of nearly 10,000 patients yields data on ideal effective dose for lowest risk of complications

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