Tag: electronic health records (EHR)


One-click Ordering Promotes Preventive Care, Eases Provider Workflow

Cleveland Clinic providers shifted to one-click ordering to simplify the workflow while increasing visibility of patient-specific recommended wellness screenings


Computers and Compassion (Podcast)

How healthcare technology is reshaping the clinical experience for nurses and patients alike


New Initiative Streamlines Electronic Documentation to Reduce Burden on Nursing Staff

Analysis leads to faster, more user-friendly patient records

Data transfer

Making Modern Healthcare Data Meaningful

Advancing Cleveland Clinic’s clinical systems integration by creating a secure, single database designed and built to modern healthcare standards


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Improving the Electronic Health Record Experience for Nurses

Embracing new technology to alleviate documentation burdens

August 1, 2022/Digestive

Reducing Last-Minute Cancellations Through Optimized Endoscopy Ordering and Scheduling

A new project helps standardize technology workflows and improve the risk stratification process


Technology Accelerates, Expands Research Recruitment Efforts

Traditional enrollment methods for clinical research are often manual, time-consuming and expensive, so shifting to an electronic process can accelerate recruitment while reducing costs.


How Physicians Can Help End the Opioid Epidemic

What we’re doing at Cleveland Clinic

How EMR integration of ‘6 Clicks’ tool can help transform rehab care

The Evolution of Office Notes and the EMR: The CAPS Note

CAPS: concern, assessment, plan, supporting data

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