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December 6, 2019/Cleveland Clinic London

Final Beam Placed for Cleveland Clinic London

Construction complete on Cleveland Clinic’s first European facility


Cleveland Clinic London reached a major milestone in the construction of its hospital at 33 Grosvenor Place, when the final external piece of the eight-story, 324,000-square-foot building has been put into place.


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The achievement was marked by a “topping out” ceremony attended by Brian Donley, MD, CEO of Cleveland Clinic London, Tom Mihaljevic, MD, Cleveland Clinic CEO and President, and Chris Connell, Chief Design Officer of the Center for Design at Cleveland Clinic. Additional guests included senior leaders from the hospital’s contractor, Sir Robert McAlpine.

The new hospital at 33 Grosvenor Place is Cleveland Clinic’s first facility in Europe, and – along with the first confirmed Outpatient Centre at 24 Portland Place, near Harley Street – will be equipped with the very latest facilities and technology to enhance quality, safety and experience of care.

“We are excited to have completed the construction phase of what will be one of the most technologically advanced hospitals in the U.K. Cleveland Clinic is a global leader in specialized medical care, and our London hospital will enable patients from across the U.K. and beyond to access exceptional treatment that’s based on nearly 100 years of research and innovation,” Dr. Donley said.

Dr. Mihaljevic added, “The London hospital is the latest addition to Cleveland Clinic’s global healthcare system. London is one of the leading international healthcare centers, home to top-quality talent and world-leading research that we can learn from as we look to innovate and provide the very best care.”

The London hospital will be Cleveland Clinic’s first facility in Europe, adding another international location to a health system that includes a 165-acre main campus near downtown Cleveland; 11 regional hospitals throughout Northeast Ohio; five hospitals in Florida; a hospital in Abu Dhabi, UAE; and facilities in Las Vegas, Nev., and Toronto, Canada.


Cleveland Clinic London opens in Spring 2021. It will have 185 inpatient beds; eight operating rooms; a full imaging suite; endoscopy and catheterization labs; day case rooms for surgery; and a full neurological suite with rehabilitation. The facility will offer a full range of medical services including specialty services focusing on heart and vascular, orthopaedics, digestive diseases, neurosciences and general surgery. The Outpatient Centre is expected to open in Fall 2020.

Cleveland Clinic London Celebrates Important Milestone with 'Topping Out' Ceremony


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