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22-HVI-3393757 CQD 650×450

Transcriptomics-Based Study Suggests Metformin Is Repurposable for Atrial Fibrillation

Network proximity and EHR analyses identify diabetes drug as a top candidate for risk reduction

22-HVI-3200902 – CQD 650×450

Adjustable Soft Robotic Sleeve Mimics Complex Hemodynamics of Aortic Stenosis

Sophisticated in vivo modeling can enhance device development and therapy testing

Older man exercising

Novel Technologies Elucidate Underlying Causes of Exercise’s Benefit to the Heart

DT-MRI and RNA-FISH show increase in CITED4 promotes healthy architecture of myocardium


Study Confirms Quality-of-Life Benefits of Myectomy in Obstructive HCM

Prospective SPIRIT-HCM trial demonstrates broad gains over 12-month follow-up


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Bariatric surgery
December 1, 2021/Digestive

Bariatric Surgery Drives Down Adverse Liver and Heart Outcomes in Obesity With Advanced Fatty Liver Disease

First report of major endpoint reduction in patients with biopsy-proven NASH

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8 Ways to Increase Women’s Participation in Cardiovascular Trials

An ACC committee issues recommendations to accelerate sluggish progress


Gut Microbes Directly Contribute to Stroke Severity

TMAO pathway impacts infarct size and functional impairment in preclinical stroke models

March 31, 2021/COVID-19

MASH-COVID Trial Hints at Role for Targeting GM-CSF in Hyperinflammatory COVID-19

Cleveland Clinic-led study supports investigation of similar immunomodulatory therapies


Platelet Activation Differs Between Men and Women in Myocardial Infarction and Beyond

Findings in both health and MI highlight need for sex-specific pharmacotherapy research


Carotid Endarterectomy and the High-Risk Patient

Review of our recent experience shows it’s still a safe option

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