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Otolaryngology & Dentistry

Pregnant woman sees dentist for routine exam

Oral Hygiene and Dental Care During Pregnancy

How to talk to patients about the importance of routine dental care during pregnancy

21-NEU-2051980 schwannoma of lacrimal nerve_650x450
April 22, 2021/Neurosciences/Case Study

Case Study: A Tumor in the No-Man’s-Land Between Eye, Nose and Brain

Schwannoma of the lacrimal nerve threatened right eye blindness


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Child receiving hearing aid

Pediatric Unilateral Hearing Loss Can Cause Speech and Language Delay Even in Mild Cases

New research indicates that the rates of speech and language delay is higher among children with mild-moderate unilarteral hearing loss compared to the general population

Child with cochlear implant

Parents of Neurologically Impaired and Developmentally Delayed Children Report Quality-of-Life Benefits to Cochlear Implantations

The research also identified a research gap in how quality of life among NCNIDD children is measured, and there are plans to address this disparity

Smelling flower with face mask
March 17, 2021/COVID-19

Treating Smell Loss in COVID-19 Patients

A Rhinologist offers advice for managing one of the predominant symptoms of positive COVID-19 cases.


Innovation in Facial Reanimation Is Helping More Patients Smile

As intervention and surgical techniques improve, facial reanimation patients can achieve a more natural look

Hearing loss test
February 17, 2021/Geriatrics

Identifying Hearing Loss Earlier and Easier With Technology

Collaborative Cleveland Clinic Audiology/Geriatrics/Primary Care team has been awarded grant funding to improve the hearing screening process in primary care

Missing tooth
December 17, 2020/COVID-19

Can COVID-19 Cause Teeth to Fall Out?

Anecdotal reports from patients suggest a link, but the evidence is not there yet

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