Patient Care & Management

March 26, 2020/COVID-19

Vigilance Needed During COVID-19 as Child Abuse Concerns Rise

Virtual visits provide a unique glimpse into home life


Case Study: Left Cardiac Sympathetic Denervation as an Alternative to Heart Transplantation

Procedure halts refractory ventricular arrhythmias in teenager with HCM


Eagle-Barrett Syndrome: Care Across the Lifespan

Surgical and behavioral interventions for a medically complex patient


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Coordinated Pediatric Aerodigestive Care

Coordinated Pediatric Aerodigestive Care: A Case Study

Decannulation in a child with chronic lung disease, pulmonary hypertension and respiratory failure


Coordination Deficit Often Seen in Adolescents with Chronic Pain

May compound physical, psychological and social dysfunction


Binge Eating Disorder in Adolescents

Tips for diagnosis and treatment


Is it the Heart? (Infographic)

How to Decrease Unnecessary Referrals and Patient Anxiety

Tara Karmalou, MD, operates on child with congenital heart disease

Congenital Heart Care: Performance Assessment Among Institutions and Surgeons

Small numbers of heterogeneous patients complicate outcomes measurement in this highly nuanced field

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