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December 22, 2020/COVID-19

Skin Symptoms in Most Children with Multi-System Inflammatory Syndrome Related to COVID-19

Mucocutaneous symptoms may help physicians identify hyperinflammatory state earlier


Management of Glycogen Storage Disease Type 1 in the Emergency Department

These children may look and act normal, but they have a life-threatening metabolic disease

patient safety
December 10, 2020/Nursing

Workplace Violence in Pediatrics: A Patient Experience Issue

New program encourages families and caregivers to work together to promote a healing environment


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December 3, 2020/COVID-19

A COVID-19 Vaccine for Children May Take a While

Adult vaccine prioritized as safety regulations and growth-related variations in immunity would slow clinical trials

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November 25, 2020/COVID-19

SARS-CoV-2 Reinfection Is Rare but Possible

Distinguishing between reinfection and prolonged viral shedding


Potential Novel Therapeutic Strategy in Rhabdomyosarcoma Based on Ezrin-Radixin-Moesin Inhibition

Preclinical studies point to antitumor activity of the ERM inhibitor NSC668394

November 11, 2020/COVID-19

The Weekend Effect and COVID-19 Mortality

In the U.S., fewer COVID-19 related deaths on weekends

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