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Search Results for: covid 19

Single mother with pollution mask holding a baby
February 21, 2022/Behavioral Health

‘Pandemic Babies’ Show Neurodevelopmental Differences at 6 Months, Study Finds

Researchers at Columbia University found that babies born during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic measured lower in gross motor, fine motor and personal-social domains at 6 months, compared to a historical …

January 2, 2024/Pulmonary/Critical Care

How the Acute Respiratory Care Unit Improves Care for Complex Patients

Written by Sudhir Krishnan, MD; Eduardo Mireles-Cabodevila, MD; and Hassan Khouli, MD,The COVID-19 pandemic was a watershed moment in critical care history, and the experience left an indelible mark on those of …

child in wheelchair
August 28, 2020/COVID-19

Special Education Concerns for the 2020-2021 School Year

… going a step further to enquire as to whether parents think that IEP is appropriate.During the COVID-19 pandemic, especially, they should also ask whether children are partaking in in-person or remote learning …


Competitive Learning Environment Fuels Care Solutions and Engagement

… concept.A data scientist and Cleveland Clinic’s Enterprise Analytics manager, Dorocak explains, “When the onset of COVID-19 forced remote work, I looked for opportunities to keep my team engaged. We landed on a …


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avoidable admissions
October 22, 2021/Nursing/Clinical Nursing

Case Management Nurses Help Avoid Unnecessary Hospital Admissions

… especially true during the pandemic, as hospitals have been eager to minimize the potential for exposure to COVID-19. Insurance providers, including Medicare, had already begun easing old restrictions that required patients be hospitalized for …

May 26, 2020/COVID-19

How to Reopen Eye Practices During the Pandemic

By Rishi P. Singh, MDThe curve has flattened. Social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic has succeeded in reducing the anticipated incidence of infection. Unfortunately, it also succeeded in reducing the clinical volume of many …


Is It Safe to Start Steroids at Home for a COPD Exacerbation After Virtual Assessment?

… breath and cough — overlap with those of COVID-19, and this was the reason for recommending COVID-19 testing in our patient. Compounding this diagnostic dilemma, COPD is a risk factor for severe COVID-19

November 20, 2020/COVID-19

Layers of Safety: Reason’s Swiss Cheese Model

… Merlino and his Cleveland Clinic team of medical, safety, legal and communications experts have launched a new COVID-19 platform with guides for staying safe during COVID-19. Their work includes webinars with health and …

August 19, 2020/COVID-19

The Ongoing Stress of the Pandemic: Help for Nurse Caregivers

At this point in time there is no certainty about when the pandemic will end. It could be a matter of months or it could be another year or more before a vaccine is developed …

November 10, 2020/Cancer/Tumor Oncology

Case Report: 46-Year-Old with Metastatic Papillary Thyroid Cancer

When Cleveland Clinic oncologist Jessica Geiger, MD, first began caring for a 46-year-old woman with metastatic papillary thyroid cancer in early 2019, Dr. Geiger prescribed the standard treatment, lenvatinib. But, just as COVID …

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