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Search Results for: covid 19

Smelling flower with face mask
March 17, 2021/COVID-19

Treating Smell Loss in COVID-19 Patients

… of the COVID-19 pandemic. Loss of smell is one of the most common side effects of COVID-19. While most COVID-19 infected patients eventually recover their sense of smell, there are those who …

January 13, 2021/COVID-19

Allergic Reactions to the COVID-19 Vaccine

Anaphylactic reactions have been reported following COVID-19 vaccination, but as of now recommendations concerning the vaccines and their administration have not changed.To date, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has issued emergency …

January 13, 2021/Nursing/Nursing Operations

Keeping Caregivers Informed During COVID-19 Pandemic

… Foxx. “Executive leaders instilled their trust that our leaders would communicate downstream and be transparent in delivering COVID-19 updates to caregivers. In this situation, over-communication did not exist.”Meetings, Town Halls, Huddles and …

November 11, 2020/COVID-19

The Weekend Effect and COVID-19 Mortality

COVID-19 related deaths on weekendsTo determine the extent to which the weekend effect is associated with COVID-19 mortalities, we recently surveyed COVID-19 deaths within the U.S. using data presented by the …


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November 4, 2020/COVID-19

IL-6 Targeting in COVID-19 Treatment

Interleukin 6 (IL-6) inhibitors have taken center stage amid the COVID-19 pandemic, given the role of IL-6 in the cytokine storm phase of COVID-19. Although IL-6 inhibitors have been used …

October 26, 2020/COVID-19

Thrombotic Events in Symptomatic COVID-19: New Data Suggest Potentially Attenuated Risk

Cleveland Clinic’s initial experience with thrombotic events in symptomatic patients with COVID-19 reveals a lower incidence of thrombosis than in prior published reports, although it was substantially higher than in the general population …

August 3, 2020/COVID-19

Return to Play After COVID-19 Infection: A Sports Cardiology Perspective

A couple months ago, the American College of Cardiology’s (ACC) Sports and Exercise Cardiology Section endorsed a viewpoint article published in JAMA Cardiology on resumption of sports play and exercise after COVID-19 infection …

July 28, 2020/COVID-19

From Nurse Caregiver to COVID-19 Patient

… taste, that’s when I realized this was not good.”On April 7, Burgess was diagnosed with COVID-19. For nearly four weeks, the 32-year-old battled the virus at home. Since recovering and …


Genetic Factors May Influence COVID-19 Susceptibility

… study has identified genetic factors that may influence susceptibility to COVID-19, which could guide personalized treatment.COVID-19 a serious threat to certain individualsWhile the majority of confirmed COVID-19 cases result in mild …

June 29, 2020/COVID-19

Adolescent Mental Health During COVID-19

… most of his time in his bedroom, the patient reports insomnia and has begun to lose weight.COVID-19 pandemic brings new stressorsFor teens and tweens, the COVID-19 pandemic is adding new pressures to …

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