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Tag: atrial fibrillation (A-Fib)

In LVAD Patients with Atrial Arrhythmias, Rhythm Control Offers Little Benefit

In LVAD Patients with Atrial Arrhythmias, Rhythm Control Offers Little Benefit

First study of arrhythmia prevalence and treatment in this setting


Genetic Control of Left Atrial Gene Expression: A New Window into AFib Risk

Study’s genome-wide catalog should fuel investigations

Study suggests a role for KardiaBand when paired with physician review
March 9, 2018/Geriatrics

Smartwatch Technology Detects Afib Prior to Cardioversion

Study suggests a role for KardiaBand when paired with physician review


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Atrial Fibrillation Prevalence Is Markedly Increased in NFL Retirees

Atrial Fibrillation Prevalence Is Markedly Increased in NFL Retirees

Study raises prospect of upper limit of exercise where maladaptive heart effects kick in


Proteomic Signatures Help Illuminate Links Between Sleep Apnea, Paroxysmal Afib

Studies find altered protein levels associated with inflammation, fibrosis


Valve-in-Valve TAVR’s Safety Is Validated in Major Registry Study

Real-world findings elevate its role in patients with failed surgical prostheses

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