Tag: emergency medicine


Avoiding Emergency Department Use and Hospital Readmissions Through Staff Education

Novel program helps clinicians troubleshoot common problems before they become "emergencies"

Backpacks for homeless

ED Nurses Deliver Care Backpacks to Homeless People

Project leads to a community outreach group


Nurses Lead Local Effort to “Stop the Bleed”

The grassroots national campaign is launched at Medina Hospital

650×450 Hamilton Phrenic Nerve
August 23, 2017/Primary Care/Case Study

Images of Note: Phrenic Nerve Paralysis

Induced by brachial plexus block


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April 23, 2015/Nursing/Clinical Nursing

Creating Care Plans for Frequent Visitors to the ED

Goal is to improve care, reduce visits and admissions


Bed Assigning Program Improves ED-to-Inpatient Process

Decreasing door-to-floor time in the ED

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