Tag: georges nakhoul

urine bottle held by healthcare professionals with latex glove, toxicology test

Nephrologist-Led Urine Microscopy Edges Out Automated Technology in Predicting AKI

Study highlights benefits of nephrologist-led urine sediment analysis


How a Virtual Reality Tool Is Enhancing Renal Physiology Education

Findings about the tool's utility were presented at the American Society of Nephology’s 2022 Annual Meeting


Virtual Reality Is Creating a New Learning Experience for Aspiring Nephrologists

How one nephrologist is enhancing renal physiology curricula


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June 26, 2019/Leadership

My Worst Friend Dialysis: A Fun Twist on Advanced Nephrology Training

Fellows learn by playing innovative board game


Low or High Potassium Increases Mortality in CKD

Study identifies best range to target in patients

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