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Tag: glioblastoma

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Progress and Promise in Brain Tumor Research (Podcast)

Single-cell RNA sequencing, the microbiome and more offer insight into complex brain tumors

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Studies of Sex-Related Molecular Differences in Glioblastoma Draw $10.4M in NIH Support

Funding expands work by consortium led by Cleveland Clinic Lerner Research Institute and CWRU


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March 2, 2020/Cancer

4 Glioblastoma Clinical Trials to Watch

Highlights from one of the most active therapeutic clinical trials programs in the U.S.


Low-Dose Chemotherapy Reduces Myeloid-Derived Suppressor Cells in Glioblastoma

Capecitabine-based approach shows promise in a population with few options

December 2, 2019/Cancer

Using Machine Learning to Distinguish Brain Tumor Progression From Pseudoprogression on Routine MRI

Algorithm reveals many features not appreciated by the unaided eye

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Grant Boosts Efforts to Take on Glioblastoma by Targeting Immunosuppressive Cells

Focus is on inhibiting action of myeloid-derived suppressor cells

May 7, 2019/Cancer

Degree of Immunosuppression Predicts Glioblastoma Prognosis, Temozolomide Studies Suggest

Experience to date highlights need for immunotherapy focus

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