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Tag: hani najm

21-DDI-2269958-Cass Intrapericardial CQD1_650x450 Hero
December 22, 2021/Digestive/Surgery

Cleveland Clinic Fetal Surgeons Resect Rare Intrapericardial Teratoma

Continued pregnancy and delivery are only the second successful outcome worldwide

October 5, 2021/Pediatrics/Cardiology

Surgical Management of Symptomatic Neonates with Tetralogy of Fallot

Options have comparable survival rates, but other factors should drive the decision.


Arch Obstruction Following the Norwood Operation

New insights into old problems may change long-term outcomes

3D heart

3-D Model Aids Complex Pediatric Heart Surgery

Meticulous planning made this two-stage repair of an infant's heart successful


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18-HRT-157_3D peds heart

How a 3-D-Printed Replica Confirmed Feasibility of an Extracardiac Fontan (Video)

A case of total anomalous pulmonary venous return plus univentricular heart

Hero Image_Option 2

How a 3-D-Printed Heart Replica Helped Plan a Double Switch Procedure (Video)

Rerouting the intracardiac anatomy demands a 3-D-printed perspective

January 11, 2018/Pediatrics/News & Insights

4 Questions with Our Chair of Pediatric and Congenital Heart Surgery

Hani Najm, MD, on not squandering time, collaboration and more

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