Tag: microglia

histology image of a gray matter lesion in a multiple sclerosis brain

Study Suggests Protective Role for Microglia at Borders of Gray Matter Lesions in Progressive MS

Findings challenge dogma that microglia are exclusively destructive regardless of location in brain


Microglial Immunometabolism Endophenotypes Implicated in Sex Differences in Alzheimer’s Disease

Study suggests sex-specific pathways show potential for sex-specific therapeutic approaches


Sex Differences Loom Large in Glioblastoma Development

Understanding the role of patient sex may lead to personalized therapies

January 30, 2017/Neurosciences/Research

Imaging Microglia in Living Mice Uncovers Unexpected Roles for the Brain’s Guardians

New lab builds on imaging, genetic progress of past decade


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Harnessing Neuroprotective Functions of Microglia: Novel Insights, Next Steps

May hold implications for full spectrum of neurologic disease

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March 9, 2015/Neurosciences/Research

Microglia Shown to Benefit Injured Brains (Video)

Nature Communications study hints at protective role

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