
Ganaxolone Effective for Rare Form of Childhood Epilepsy (1)
April 11, 2022/Neurosciences/Epilepsy

Ganaxolone Effective for Rare Form of Childhood Epilepsy

The neuroactive steroid significantly reduces seizures related to CDKL5 deficiency disorder

April 6, 2022/Genomic Medicine

Prediction Model Aids in the Early Diagnosis of Dravet Syndrome

Integrates genetic and clinical data to distinguish from GEFS+ and milder epilepsies

February 21, 2022/Neurosciences/Epilepsy

Lifestyle Interventions for Epilepsy and Related Comorbidities to Be Assessed in Largest Prospective Study to Date

Randomized trial will follow 1,000 patients to explore potential adjunctive role

Medications in the ICU. Medicinal lines next to patient bed
January 14, 2022/Neurosciences/Epilepsy

Continuous EEG in Critically Ill Patients: Study Raises Reasons to Revisit Monitoring Duration

Consider 36-hour standard, with certain risk factors prompting longer or shorter windows


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December 8, 2021/Neurosciences/Epilepsy

Novel MR Fingerprinting Radiomics Aids in Automated Characterization of Epileptic Lesions

Machine learning models shown to accurately separate lesions from normal brain, distinguish lesion subtypes

December 6, 2021/Neurosciences/Epilepsy

After Disconnective Hemispherectomy, Epileptiform Discharges Are Common on the Operated Side in Seizure-Free Patients

But such EEG findings should not preclude tapering of antiseizure medications

November 8, 2021/Neurosciences/Epilepsy

How Do SEEG and Subdural Electrodes Stack Up for Epilepsy Surgery Evaluation?

International registry study finds SEEG involves less morbidity, greater chance of seizure freedom

October 12, 2021/Neurosciences/Epilepsy

Network Launched to Define Optimal Long-Term Management of Acute Symptomatic Seizures

Registry-based PASSION initiative aims to identify epileptogenesis biomarkers, compare therapies

September 14, 2021/Neurosciences/Epilepsy

Adding Volumetric MRI Sharpens Predictive Power of Models for Epilepsy Surgery Outcomes

Clinical/quantitative model aids in determining surgical candidates

September 9, 2021/Neurosciences/Epilepsy

Case Study: When Epilepsy Surgery Is Indicated Despite a Presumed Negative MRI

Bottom-of-sulcus cortical dysplasia is easy to miss without advanced imaging

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