
central vein sign on a brain MRI

CAVS-MS Advances Quest to Improve the Diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis

New reports focus on neuroimaging biomarkers and features of atypical presentations

doctor applying force to patient's forearm to test strength

Offering Rehabilitation Care to Oncology Patients (Podcast)

New oncologic rehab program is tailored to managing the effects of cancer and its treatments

vial of blood labeled "neurofilament light chain"

Could Serum Neurofilament Light Chain Level Help Guide MS Management?

Perhaps, with caveats: sNfL elevation has low sensitivity and lags MRI activity by at least a month

brain puzzle with piece missing and female symbol

Latest WAM Grant Recipients Take on Alzheimer’s Disease in Women Across Multiple Fronts

Awards fund research on oxidative targets, immunometabolism, spatial navigation testing and more


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sleepless woman looking at clock

Sleep Apnea and Insomnia Are Highly Prevalent and Linked to Disease Worsening in Neuropsychiatric Disorders

Large cohort study suggests need for routine sleep screening as part of neurological care

neuron affected by neuromyelitis optica

Novel Monoclonal Antibodies for NMOSD Show Strong Efficacy and Safety in Real-World Study

Early experience with the agents confirms findings from clinical trials

syringe being prepared for injection
April 15, 2024/Neurosciences/Podcast

Balancing Benefits and Pitfalls of Neurotoxin Injections (Podcast)

Determining the right dose and injecting in the right muscle can be challenging

schematic view of brain connections during an epileptic seizure
April 5, 2024/Neurosciences/Epilepsy

New Insights on the Dynamics of Interictal-to-Ictal Transitions in Epilepsy

Study combines intracranial electrophysiology and SPECT to elucidate the role of hypoperfusion

inflammation on a brain scan with a podcast button overlay
April 2, 2024/Neurosciences/Podcast

Diagnosis and Management of Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy-Related Inflammation (Podcast)

New research sheds light on a potentially devastating condition that is reversible when properly managed

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