Sports Health

African guy having severe hip pain

Hip Complaints: A Closer Look at Racial Disparities in Incidence and Treatment

Study explores why Black patients are less likely than white patients to have MRI, surgery

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Combination Therapy Speeds Relief of Frozen Shoulder

Innovative treatment combines brisement, nerve block and immediate physical therapy

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November 5, 2021/Orthopaedics/Sports Health

Cartilage Injuries in Children: Surgical Treatment Options Abound

Restorative procedures produce better outcomes and durability

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November 3, 2021/Orthopaedics/Sports Health

Advancing the Treatment of Ulnar Collateral Ligament Injuries in Throwing Athletes

Studying elbow injuries in baseball pitchers leads to new injury classification and surgical technique


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Athlete with knee injury
October 11, 2021/Orthopaedics/Sports Health

Interventional Orthopaedics Offers Minimally Invasive Care for Non-Ruptured Tendinopathies

New center will provide injections and hydroresection procedures

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September 23, 2021/Orthopaedics/Sports Health

Quad Tendon Autografts: A Prime Choice for ACL Reconstruction

Biomechanics better than patellar tendon

January 20, 2021/Orthopaedics/Sports Health

The ‘Gamer’s Health Guide’: Managing Care for Esports Athletes

Developing healthcare resources for the nontraditional athlete

August 23, 2019/Orthopaedics/Sports Health

Sports Medicine Enters the Field of Competitive Gaming

How clinicians are providing care for esport athletes


How American Major League Soccer Is Playing It Safe With Concussions

Decade-long analysis compares effects between U.S. and English leagues


Epidemiology of Preprofessional Injuries in Baseball

Although common, overuse injuries have no significant impact on a players’ draft rank, short-term availability and performance

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