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August 27, 2019/Digestive

Intrauterine Myelomeningocele Repair Reduces Neurological Damage in the Tiniest Patients

First cases set the course for a full spectrum of intrauterine therapies


Delivering Mental Healthcare Where Children Are: At School

School-based healthcare provides convenient access to needed mental and physical health services

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August 5, 2019/Digestive/Innovation

Watch the Recap of Our First Fetal Surgery Case (Video)

A concise summary of an historic operation


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August 1, 2019/Pediatrics

Anaphylaxis Education: Preventing Tragedy in Our Schools

How physicians can play a role in food allergy preparedness

Liver 650 x 450
July 29, 2019/Digestive

Living Donor Liver Transplantation: A Better Option for Pediatric Patients

Reduces waiting time and prevents morbidity and mortality

July 26, 2019/Ophthalmology

Outcomes of Unilateral Cataract Surgery in Infants and Toddlers With Aphakia and Pseudophakia

Unilateral cataract surgery appears relatively safe for children aged 7-24 months

July 24, 2019/Cancer

Inherited Bone Marrow Failure Syndromes as Experiments of Nature for Blood Diseases

Emerging evidence regarding the genetic pathways involved in Scwachman-Diamond syndrome and Severe Congenital Neutropenia


Arch Obstruction Following the Norwood Operation

New insights into old problems may change long-term outcomes

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