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Search Results for: covid 19

birth control package

Telemedicine an Appropriate Vehicle for Prescribing Oral Contraceptives

… like the platforms, which enable them to provide services at a very low cost.But since the COVID-19 epidemic is pushing telemedicine to grow more quickly than it might have evolved over time, the …


Optimizing Length of Stay for Cardiac Surgery Through Preoperative Workflow Redesign

… a significant source of patient dissatisfaction.This dissatisfaction was exacerbated in the spring of 2020 when the COVID-19 pandemic brought new restrictions limiting family members from visiting their loved ones in the hospital. This …

December 2, 2021/Neurosciences/PM&R

New Program Aims for Smooth Transition from Pediatric to Adult Rehabilitation Care

… disabilitiesThe Departments of PM&R started working together on this transition-of-care plan just as the COVID-19 pandemic began. The team initially sought to run a joint in-person transition clinic between pediatric …

ESI_Mangles_4083658_Virtual Emergency Medicine Program_07-10-23

Cleveland Clinic’s Virtual Emergency Medicine Program: Treating the Right Patients in the Right Place

… Graham, DO, who leads Cleveland Clinic’s Virtual Emergency Medicine Program, interacts with a patient.Origins and COVID-19 impactThe program arose from Cleveland Clinic’s desire to leverage technology to make emergency care more …


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February 24, 2022/Leadership

Model Reliably Predicts Risk of Hospital Readmissions

… looked at hospital admissions and readmission rates across medical and surgical, hospital site and diagnosis categories (including COVID-19), and by race and ethnicity. Risk scoring for hospital readmission ranged from 1 to 100, with …

gupta cartoon

Case Study in Virtual Collaboration: Offering High-Level Pediatric Epilepsy Expertise to an Outside Hospital

… Both organizations were so committed to the collaboration that we proceeded even in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic,” says Ajay Gupta, MD, Section Head of Pediatric Epilepsy at Cleveland Clinic.How it worksUnder …

nursing education

The Importance of Nursing Education

… led by Joan Kavanagh, PhD, RN, NEA-BC, ANEF, FAAN and Christine Szweda, MS, BSN, RN). The COVID-19 pandemic has complicated the new nurse’s transition to practice with truncated clinical experiences and modified …

21-PUL-2132163 CQD – Geospatial Epidemiology Information Systems 650×450-map

Using Geographic Information Systems to Improve Respiratory Health

By Maeve G. MacMurdo, MD, and Wayne M. Tsuang, MD, MHSIncreasingly we recognize that where patients live, work and spend their time can have a significant impact on their health and well-being. Residential exposure …

stressed out nurse
August 30, 2021/Nursing/Clinical Nursing

Better Mitigation Tools, Research Needed for Caregiver Moral Distress

For nearly 40 years, researchers have been shining a light on the challenge of moral distress among nurses and other healthcare professionals, but progress has been slow when it comes to developing interventions to help …

Nursing home care infusion

Homecare Highlight: Nurses Provide Specialty Infusions in Patient Homes

In the past 5 years, home healthcare has seen tremendous growth. An article published in HomeCare Magazine cited home health as leading all U.S. healthcare sectors in job growth at 4.4 percent growth …

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