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Search Results for: covid 19

August 10, 2022/Leadership

Mentorship Can Help Both Teachers and Pupils Unlock Their Potential

… mentors. “The past few years have been especially challenging for everyone in healthcare, but I think the COVID-19 pandemic took a unique toll on nurses. By investing in those who are new to the …

Tara Karmalou, MD, operates on child with congenital heart disease
April 22, 2021/Pediatrics/Cardiology

Financial Hardship in Families of Children With Congenital Heart Disease

… Dr. Karamlou calls “a landmark program,” focuses on early childhood development and family support services. During the COVID-19 pandemic, for example, First 5 county commissioners organized diaper and food drives and created pop-up …


Entering a New Era in Chronic Kidney Disease

… graft injury with the goal to improve transplant outcomes.A disease of disparitiesIn the last year, the COVID-19 pandemic and social justice movements have centered important conversations about public health and healthcare inequities within …

The Featured Image for the post
November 10, 2020/Nursing/Nursing Operations

Healing at Home: The Unique Role of RN Case Managers

… may need, which right now, also includes PPE such as face shields and masks due to the COVID-19 pandemic.In the first ‘start of care’ visit, which is generally a 2-hour visit, the …


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Promoting a Safety Culture at Dialysis Centers

… collaborative efforts between nephrologists and dialysis organizations to reinforce this idea,” says Dr. Wong.The impact of COVID-19COVID-19 has brought infection control and prevention to the forefront of healthcare, including at dialysis centers …

February 15, 2021/Nursing/Clinical Nursing

Improving Functional Capacity in Cardiac Rehab Patients

… says Cunningham-Mays. The cardiac rehab program was closed from mid- March through mid-June because of COVID-19, and many patients remain uncomfortable going to a local gym. But Cunningham-Mays is optimistic that …


New Staff Surgeon Explains His Affinity for the Aorta and Why He Stayed on After Residency

… has that been like?Dr. Vargo: Although I haven’t worked directly with patients critically ill with COVID-19, repercussions of the pandemic have definitely been in the background, adding another layer of stress for …


Postpartum Presentation of a Rare CNS Demyelinating Disorder

… increasing incidence may be associated with a combination of increased awareness and testing as well as the COVID-19 pandemic era in which we are living.”Patients with MOGAD sometimes present with symptoms similar to …

May 6, 2020/Cancer

NIH to Fund Study Exploring Role of the Complement System in Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy

Peripheral neuropathy is a common and debilitating side effect of chemotherapy, with few treatments available. Cleveland Clinic’s Pain Management Department will lead a study to explore the role played by the complement system in …

Lung transplant

Consensus Document Offers New Guidance for Lung Transplants

The document used by the U.S. and international lung transplant community as a guide in the evaluation of candidates for lung transplantation has been updated to reflect the most contemporary thinking to date about …

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