Tag: epilepsy surgery


The Merits of MEG in Children: A Noninvasive Means to Refine Epilepsy Localization

No other modality combines high spatial and temporal resolution so well


Going Beyond Visual MRI Interpretation in Pediatric Epilepsy Surgery Candidates

Post-processing and machine learning techniques add abundant value


Epilepsy Surgery’s Past, Present and Future: A Conversation with Dr. William Bingaman

Cleveland Clinic’s head of epilepsy surgery reflects on two decades of major progress

17-NEU-4299-Jehi-Epilepsy-Outcomes-650×450 (002)
December 27, 2017/Neurosciences/Outcomes

Beyond Seizure Freedom: Quality-of-Life Gains Are Common — and Worthwhile — After Epilepsy Surgery

Nearly two-thirds of patients see clinically meaningful gains in large series


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Epilepsy Surgery Nomogram Draws $3.4M NIH Grant

Funding will advance tool for individualized outcome prediction


Multimodal Approach to Epilepsy Surgery: The Power of Pairing 7T MRI with SEEG

Case study in a man with multidrug-resistant epilepsy

January 16, 2015/Neurosciences/Research

Probing Molecular Mechanisms of Epilepsy Progression

Protein may be biomarker for seizure origin and spread in focal cortical dysplasias

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