Tag: prostate cancer

June 17, 2019/Cancer

Study Verifies IsoPSA’s Utility as a Prostate Cancer Biomarker

Test can identify aggressive vs. indolent disease, reduce unneeded biopsies

March 14, 2019/Cancer

Active Surveillance a Reasonable Option in African-American Men with Low-Risk Prostate Cancer

Study sheds new light on the utility of watchful waiting


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October 29, 2018/Cancer

Prostate Cancer Today: A 2-Minute Update for Physicians

5 major advances usher in a new, hopeful era

October 22, 2018/Cancer/Research

Ten-Year Outcomes of Moderately Hypofractionated IMRT in Prostate Cancer

Higher doses don’t mean higher toxicity

October 4, 2018/Cancer

PSA Testing: A Brief Note on Current Thinking

The short answer from the front line of prostate cancer screening


Functional PET Imaging to Identify Prostate Cancer Treatment Resistance

Research has clear implications for future of prostate cancer imaging

Audience at conference
September 24, 2018/Urology & Nephrology/Urology

Preparedness for Prostatectomy

Men prepared through group education report better urinary function outcomes

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