Tag: systemic sclerosis (SSc)


Trial Results Offer New Hope for Scleroderma Patients

Nintedanib significantly reduces loss of lung function

May 25, 2017/Cancer

Systemic Sclerosis and Malignancy

Analysis of Ssc-breast cancer relationship


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Cachectic Scleroderma Patient Recovers with Collaborative Management
September 7, 2016/Rheumatology & Immunology

Cachectic Scleroderma Patient Recovers with Collaborative Management

Parenteral nutrition improves BMI from 14 kg/m2 to normal

Surfactant Replacement Therapy in ARDS
January 29, 2016/Pulmonary/Research

Investigating Novel Therapies for Scleroderma-Associated Interstitial Lung Disease

Cleveland Clinic recruiting for multinational trial


Skin Thickness in Systemic Sclerosis: State of the Search for New Therapies

Plenty of options being studied, but more RCTs needed


Images of Note: Cutaneous Manifestations of Systemic Sclerosis

From edema to tethering to ulcers and beyond

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