
patient consult

Key Elements for Optimizing Care in People with Vasculitis

Evidence-based therapies, monitoring, prevention and more


Case: When Central Nervous System Vasculitis Is Suspected

Holistic approach is necessary to ensure a correct diagnosis


Keys for Recognizing Drug-Induced Vasculitis

Knowing the affected organs and vessels can help in identifying cause

pulmonary artery stenosis

Takayasu Arteritis Case Study: Pulmonary Embolism or Something Else?

When to consider the possibility of pulmonary artery involvement


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A Challenging Case of Giant Cell Arteritis

When GCA initially presents without cranial symptoms


Case Report: Long-Term Monitoring a Must for ANCA-Associated Vasculitis

Relapses are frequent even with long periods of remission

A series of brain MRI images used to help diagnose CNS vasculitis

Neurologic Involvement in ANCA-Associated Vasculitis

Raising awareness of a common manifestation


Treatment of Chronic and Relapsing Takayasu’s Arteritis

Prevention of progression and complications is the primary goal

CT abdomen – sagittal view demonstrating dissection of the superior mesenteric artery

Vasculitis or Vasculopathy?

Clinical features that should make clinicians suspect vasculopathy

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