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Otolaryngology & Dentistry

21-NEU-2437863 hypoglossal-nerve-stimulation-OSA_650x450
March 2, 2022/Neurosciences/Podcast

Neurostimulation for Treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea (Podcast)

An in-depth look at this alternative for patients who cannot tolerate PAP therapy

Woman coughing

Treating Chronic Refractory Cough with Superior Laryngeal Nerve Block

The treatment is simple and effective for many patients, but more research is needed to determine the exit-strategy from repetitive injections

Michelle Adessa

Speech Pathologists Conduct Real-Time Voice Assessments in the OR

Personalized care enhances patient experience, optimizes voice quality


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Woodson facial nerve tumor
November 19, 2021/Neurosciences

Novel Approach to a Facial Nerve Tumor

A skull-base surgeon explains why it’s important to consider your options before pursuing the most aggressive route

Cochlear implant

Expanding Access to CI for Patients with Single-Sided Deafness

New research shows significant improvement for individuals who exceeded the FDA-labeled 5% word recognition ability

Ear exam

Expanding the Role of APPs Helps Both Patients and Physicians

By changing the patient access flow, patients are able to see the right provider faster, and surgeons are able to spend more time in the OR and less time in clinic

Thyroid cancer
November 2, 2021/Cancer

Advances in Aggressive Thyroid Cancer Treatment

How Cleveland Clinic is contributing to the future of care

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