Tag: acute kidney injury (AKI)

IV drip attached to hand
March 27, 2024/Digestive/Research

What Is the Role for Terlipressin in Hepatorenal Syndrome?

Reviewing how the drug can be incorporated into care

urine bottle held by healthcare professionals with latex glove, toxicology test

Nephrologist-Led Urine Microscopy Edges Out Automated Technology in Predicting AKI

Study highlights benefits of nephrologist-led urine sediment analysis

Heart and kidneys

Models Using Basic Blood Tests Predict Acute Kidney Injury After Cardiac Surgery

The multidisciplinary research team reported their findings in JAMA


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October 22, 2021/Pediatrics

Postoperative Acute Kidney Injury Following Fontan Conversion Surgery: Understanding Risk and Managing Care

Research findings reinforce the importance of patient selection and pre-emptive interventions


An In-House Solution: How to Produce Ultrapure Dialysate for Continuous Venovenous Hemodialysis

Nearly 30 years of data validate this cost-efficient in-house alternative


Contrast-Induced Acute Kidney Injury: The Data and the Debate

Nephrologists discuss the most recent practice guidelines

February 10, 2021/COVID-19

COVID-19 and the Kidney

Pathogenesis and optimal management of acute kidney injury in COVID-19

May 7, 2020/COVID-19

Why Do Some COVID-19 Patients Develop Severe Kidney Injury?

A nephrologist at Cleveland Clinic shares possible theories

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