Tag: gut microbiome


Study Identifies Gut Microbe-Derived TMAO as a Novel Mediator of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm

Findings hold implications for screening and potential nonsurgical therapy

22-DDI-3283958 CQD Neuro GI program preview-Gabbard

New Neurogastroenterology and Motility Center Provides Coordinated Care

Hard-to-treat GI disorders benefit from multidisciplinary approach

22-CHP-3032763 CQD-Rotz-Peds Perspectives-Fecal Microbiota-650×450

Fecal Microbiota of Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer Survivors and Metabolic Syndrome: An Exploratory Study

Study shows long-term survivors of childhood cancer have decreased gut bacterial microbiome diversity


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November 15, 2021/Cancer

Study Links the Gut Microbiome and Aggressive Prostate Cancer

Findings from the prospective analysis and implications for diagnosing, preventing lethal prostate cancer


Gut Microbes Directly Contribute to Stroke Severity

TMAO pathway impacts infarct size and functional impairment in preclinical stroke models


TMAO’s Prognostic Value Extends to Incident Coronary Artery Disease in Healthy Adults

Metabolite proves predictive in a large prospective cohort of apparently healthy subjects


Early-Life Gut Microbiome Critical to Optimal Health

Evidence-based interventions to support infant health

gut microbiota

Beta-Blockers’ Efficacy May Be Partly Explained By Newly Discovered Gut Microbial Metabolite

Phenylacetylglutamine acts via adrenergic receptors and is linked with cardiac events

gut microbiome

$12 Million NIH Grant Aims to Drive Deeper Discovery of Heart Health/Gut Microbe Links

Hazen group to pursue research programs in atherosclerosis, thrombosis, obesity

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