Tag: machine learning

19-CNR-5099 AI in AML 650×450-predict-survival-outcomes
August 14, 2020/Cancer/Blood Cancers

Machine Learning and the Management of Hematological Malignancies

What the cancer clinician and researcher need to know


Early-Career Cardiac Surgeon Finds a Place to Pair Patient Experience With Research Innovation

Improved risk prediction for patients is at the heart of Dr. Aaron Weiss’ research interests


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19-CNR-5099 AI in AML 650×450-predict-survival-outcomes
May 4, 2020/Cancer/Research

New Computer Model Helps Predict Outcomes for Individual Acute Myeloid Leukemia Patients

Artificial intelligence applied to clinical and genomic data improves accuracy


How Artificial Intelligence is Partnering With Nursing to Provide Care

Nurses welcome machines as newest member of care team


Innovative Tools for Diabetes Management

Tools to aid in diagnosis, complication management and lifestyle interventions

deepDTnet, A network-based deep learning methodology,

Harnessing Artificial Intelligence for Drug Repurposing

deepDTnet receives provisional patent to accelerate drug repurposing and minimize the translational gap in development


Artificial Intelligence in the Care of Complex Neurological Disorders

The how and the why behind Cleveland Clinic’s approach


Deep Learning Models for Automatic Seizure Detection in Epilepsy

Strong performance from early models heralds eventual reshaping of care

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