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Tag: seizures

schematic view of brain connections during an epileptic seizure
April 5, 2024/Neurosciences/Epilepsy

New Insights on the Dynamics of Interictal-to-Ictal Transitions in Epilepsy

Study combines intracranial electrophysiology and SPECT to elucidate the role of hypoperfusion


Psychogenic Nonepileptic Seizure: Associated Factors and Treatment

A cornerstone is psychotherapy tailored to contributing factors

August 11, 2022/Behavioral Health

Psychogenic Nonepileptic Seizure: An Empathetic, Practical Approach to Diagnosis

Communication is particularly critical in this often-misdiagnosed disorder

October 12, 2021/Neurosciences/Epilepsy

Network Launched to Define Optimal Long-Term Management of Acute Symptomatic Seizures

Registry-based PASSION initiative aims to identify epileptogenesis biomarkers, compare therapies


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June 30, 2020/COVID-19

Continuous EEG Monitoring Reveals Seizures, Other Abnormalities in COVID-19 Patients

Acute symptomatic seizures detected in five of 22 patients monitored


Good Seizure Control Means Total Seizure Control

SUDEP prevention is one more reason zero should always be the goal


Psychogenic Nonepileptic Seizures: What Neurologists Need to Know (Podcast)

Two experts share diagnostic and treatment essentials on a sensitive, poorly understood condition

April 26, 2018/Neurosciences/Research

How Long to Monitor with cEEG? New Data Help Shape Choices

Large study gives guidance based on mental status, seizure etiology


Nonconvulsive Status Epilepticus: A Case Study in Its Identification and Management

Seizures following a subdural hematoma demand swift, aggressive care

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