Diabetes & Endocrinology

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Case Report: Symptoms of Hypoglycaemia Lead to an Unexpected Diagnosis

Patient’s unexplained low blood glucose levels in the absence of diabetes spark quest for answers

illustration of LDL cholesterol particle

CLEAR Outcomes Subanalysis Shows Strong Primary Prevention Effect for Bempedoic Acid

Robust reductions in cardiac events seen in high-risk patients without prior events


TRAVERSE Study Supports Cardiovascular Safety of Testosterone Therapy When Used as Indicated

But findings apply only to middle-aged or older men with confirmed hypogonadism

Hyperglycemia in hospital setting

Multi-Pronged Strategies Key to Reducing Hospital-Related Hyperglycemic Events

Cleveland Clinic endocrinologists work to identify protocols for improving care


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Continuous Glucose Monitoring

What to Know In an Expanding Continuous Glucose Monitoring Landscape

Clinicians must navigate options as more patients qualify for CGM

endocrinology and geriatrics

Endocrine Care with a Focus on Aging Stronger, Faster, Better

Building the bridge between endocrinology and geriatrics


Leveraging Telehealth to Help Close Equity Gaps

Inpatient service can facilitate patient’s entry into the health system

February 10, 2023/COVID-19

Effects of COVID-19 on Blood Sugar and Type 2 Diabetes

Cleveland Clinic analysis suggests that obtaining care for the virus might reveal a previously undiagnosed condition

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February 8, 2023/Diabetes & Endocrinology

Diabetic Macular Edema Can Take 1-2 Years to Resolve in Patients Despite Aggressive Treatment

Greater central subfield thickness and better visual acuity at baseline are associated with longer time to resolution

kidneys and diabetes

Kidney Disease in Diabetes: Updates and Recommendations

Cleveland Clinic’s Endocrinology & Metabolism Institute is working to offer novel opportunities and therapies for diabetes and kidney disease

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