Preventive Cardiology

22-HVI-2716410 CQD 650×450 (2)
April 12, 2022/Digestive

Bariatric Surgery for Obesity at Age 65 and Beyond: A Cardiovascular Win

Medicare database analysis finds reduced risk of death, heart failure, myocardial infarction and stroke


Novel siRNA Therapy Lowers Elevated Plasma Lipoprotein(a) in Phase 1 APOLLO Trial

Targeted mRNA blocking could be first effective approach specific to this cardiovascular risk factor


Dietary Nitrate Exerts Differing Platelet Effects in Men and Women

Provocative findings from a hypothesis-generating study


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Statin Intolerance and New Lipid-Lowering Treatments

Updated guidance on identification and strategies for management


Technology-Assisted Approach Shows Success in Pinpointing Candidates for Nonprescription Statin Therapy

Web-based self-selection tool aims to achieve long-sought nonprescription statin access


TMAO’s Prognostic Value Extends to Incident Coronary Artery Disease in Healthy Adults

Metabolite proves predictive in a large prospective cohort of apparently healthy subjects

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