Tag: cleveland clinic journal of medicine (ccjm)

Enlarged prostate

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia: Alternatives to Transurethral Resection

Review the advantages and disadvantages of newer interventions

Arm of Black patient having kidney dialysis

GFR Equations: How Will Eliminating the Race Coefficient Affect Black Patients?

Could mean earlier treatment, but also could have negative effects

September 15, 2023/Pulmonary/Asthma

Measuring Exhaled Nitric Oxide When Diagnosing and Managing Asthma

Cleveland Clinic pulmonologists address the role of measuring exhaled nitric oxide in the diagnosis and management of asthma and provide guidance for its appropriate use


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Finger Nodules: Tip of the Gouty Iceberg

Some patients exhibit marked nodulosis due to undiagnosed tophi

Hands in protective gloves hold blue-stained electrophoresis gel.
June 16, 2023/Bioethics

The Cost of ‘Free’: Advising Patients About Sponsored Genetic Testing

Authors discuss ethical challenges associated with sponsored genetic testing

Gingival fibroma

Mass Under the Lip

Case highlights the importance of oral hygiene in hospital and outpatient settings

GUKI Care Page of Dr. George Thomas and Angela Smith

Resistant Hypertension: A Stepwise Approach

Getting patients to their goal blood pressure


Does My Patient Need an Allergy Evaluation for Penicillin Allergy?

A detailed clinical history should be obtained directly from patients to determine their risk of penicillin

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