Tag: microbiome


Study Sheds Light on Red Meat’s Contribution to Atherosclerosis Risk in Older Adults

Increased risk is partly mediated by microbiota-derived metabolites of L-carnitine, choline


Three Standout Investigations at ACTRIMS 2022

Research avenues to keep an eye on in MS and NMOSD diagnostics and therapeutics

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December 13, 2021/Urology & Nephrology/Research

Mapping Out the Genitourinary Microbiome

Information on the microbiome and urologic pathologies remain relatively limited


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November 5, 2020/Genomic Medicine

Microbiome Reveals Clues to Idiopathic Male Infertility

Bacteria in gut and semen are different in fertile men

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Nonlethal Targeting of Gut Microbes Inhibits Thrombosis with Minimal Bleeding Risk

Mouse study shows most potent therapeutic ‘drugging’ of microbiome to date


Antibiotics, High-Fat, High-Sugar Diets and Microbial Oxalate Metabolism

Could these be the culprits in the increasing incidence of kidney stones?


Diet Changes Can Help Chronic Kidney Disease Patients

Modifications restore gut bacteria symbiosis

Precision Medicine in the Biologic Era: What is Personalized Medicine?

Precision Medicine in the Biologic Era: What is Personalized Medicine?

Explore the theme of BIOLOGIC THERAPIES VII SUMMIT, April 6-8, 2017

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