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Tag: obesity

endocrinology and geriatrics

Endocrine Care with a Focus on Aging Stronger, Faster, Better

Building the bridge between endocrinology and geriatrics

Clinician conversation

New Center Will Support Diabetes and Obesity Research Initiatives

Through collaboration, the Center for Quantitative Metabolic Research will help improve Cleveland Clinic’s standing as a leader for Type 2 diabetes and obesity research


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bariatric surgery
October 31, 2022/Digestive/News

New Guidelines Broaden Patients’ Eligibility for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery

Expert panel endorses greater access based on research showing procedures’ safety and efficacy

22-DDI-2987571 Bariatric surgery and cancer research – Aminian_Nissen_650x450
June 9, 2022/Cancer

Bariatric Surgery Substantially Lowers Risk of Obesity-Related Cancers

Study shows linkage between weight loss amount and degree of benefit

Doctor performing bariatric surgery in hospital
May 23, 2022/Digestive/Research

Prior Bariatric Surgery Improves Outcomes in Heart Attack Patients with Obesity

Study finds that inpatient mortality and serious complications are reduced

Patient counseling

Reducing the Transition Care Gap for Patients with Obesity

Cleveland Clinic’s Endocrinology & Metabolism Institute is working to better prepare pediatric patients with obesity for adult care, and a new fellowship program is one way they are closing the transition gap

22-DDI-2682059 Rosenthal – Bariatric surgery as a bridge to transplant

Case Report: Using Temporary Cardiac Support and Bariatric Surgery as a Bridge to Heart Transplant

Innovative team approach helps patient lose enough weight to receive a donor heart

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