Tag: psoriatic arthritis (PsA)

Psoriatic arthritis

Psoriatic Arthritis: Unlocking the Age Factor

Older Psoriasis Patients May Experience Quicker Transition

psoriasis of the fingernails and psoriatic arthritis on white background

Building a Personalized Medicine Approach to PsA Treatment

Genetic polymorphisms and response to TNFα blockers


Assessing Clinical Response to Treatment in Psoriatic Arthritis

Patient reported outcomes differentiate between remission and low disease activity in PsA


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Collaborative Rheumatology-Dermatology Clinic Improves Outcomes

Co-management increases opportunities for research and education


Predicting Anti-TNF-Therapy Responsiveness

Defect in myosin binding may explain why a significant percentage of patients do not adequately respond to anti-TNF therapy

Psoriasis rash

TNFi-Induced Psoriasis and Idiopathic Psoriasis Can Be Distinguished on Biopsy

Study finds significant histologic differences between TNFi-induced psoriasis and idiopathic psoriasis

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February 27, 2020/Rheumatology & Immunology

PROMIS Measures Are Associated with Disease Activity in Psoriatic Arthritis

Patients with minimal disease activity report better physical and mental health as well as less fatigue

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