Tag: surgical aortic valve replacement (SAVR)

Blood Clot Cell Artery

PROACT Xa: Apixaban Is Not a Safe Warfarin Substitute With Mechanical Aortic Valve

Details released from the trial halted due to excessive thromboembolic events

implanted bioprosthesis for aortic valve replacement

Is It Time to Redefine ‘Low Risk’ Surgical Aortic Valve Replacement?

Cleveland Clinic study finds expected STS risk no longer reflects current outcomes

22-HVI-2935765 CQD vs2 650×450

When to Refer for SAVR in an Era of Expanding TAVR Use?

State-of-the-art review gives guidance for populations not addressed in TAVR trials


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5-Year COMMENCE Data Show Continued Promise for Novel Valve Tissue in SAVR

Zero cases of structural valve deterioration through latest follow-up


CMS Should Consider Quality, Not Just Quantity, for TAVR Coverage

Experts weigh in on proposed changes to reimbursement requirements

18-HRT-4623-Cremer-PARTNER-2A (003)

Surgical Vs. Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement: Watch the Right Ventricle

Worsening RV function portends poorer prognosis regardless of procedure type


Worsened Outcomes Due to Prior Chest Radiation Extend to SAVR for Aortic Stenosis

Matched cohort study finds marked survival disadvantage with radiation


Aortic Valve Surgery for Chronic Severe Regurgitation: Earlier May Be Better

Large new analysis argues for rethinking current guidelines

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