Rheumatology & Immunology

OCT scan showing dry AMD

Autoimmune Disease Linked With Higher Risk of Macular Degeneration

Early data shows risk is 73% higher in patients with lupus, 40% higher in patients with rheumatoid arthritis

Medical illustration of hand with discolored fingers

Coexistence of Erythromelalgia and Raynaud’s Phenomenon

Treatment strategies require understanding of pathomechanisms

December 4, 2023/Cancer

First of Its Kind: Oncology Pharmacovigilance Clinic

Multidisciplinary care for patients with immune-related adverse events


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Squamous cell skin cancer

Skin Cancer Risk in Immunosuppressed Patients

Education, prevention strategies and monitoring serves this at-risk group

esophageal plaques

Esophageal Plaques and Systemic Sclerosis

Treatment for scleroderma can sometimes cause esophageal symptoms

Lupus clinic

Coordinated Care, Education and Research

Lupus Clinic providers collaborate to advance treatment and understanding

Psoriatic arthritis

Psoriatic Arthritis: Unlocking the Age Factor

Older Psoriasis Patients May Experience Quicker Transition

Mixed connective tissue disease rash

A Little Bit of Everything: Mixed Connective Tissue Disease

Cleveland Clinic’s Rheumatic Lung Disease program treats patients with complex conditions

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